EPO Report on patents against cancer

EPO Report on patents against cancer

The European Patent Office-EPO has published the statistical report ‘Patents and innovation against cancer’ on patents for the fight against cancer. The report is also released with the aim of contributing to the Sustainable Development Goal SDG 3-Health...
WIPO statistic report 2023

WIPO statistic report 2023

WIPO has published statistics for 2023 regarding IP titles at an international level. Regarding international PCT patent applications, for the first time in 14 years, there was a slight decrease in the number of filings of international PCT applications, 272,600...
EPO Patent Index 2023

EPO Patent Index 2023

The European Patent Office-EPO has published the EPO Patent Index 2023, i.e. the statistical analysis of patent activities at the office referring to 2023. In 2023, the EPO received 199,275 patent applications, an absolute record to date, which is 2.9% more than in...
EPO’s Patent index 2022

EPO’s Patent index 2022

EPO has just published the annual report on European patent applications and granted patents filed in 2022. The number of patent applications filed in 2022 has grown by 2,5% respect 2021, achieving the new maximum of 193.460 filings. The United States, Germany, Japan,...
WIPO – 2022 Statistics report

WIPO – 2022 Statistics report

Despite the economic uncertainty at the global level, the number of international patent application PCT has slightly increased with respect to 2021, by 0,3%, reaching 278.100 filings. China, the United States, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Germany are the more...