
Home » THE CENTER » Strengths

Key features that distinguish activities and services proposed by the Center:

  • Continuous development and enhancement to the proposed scientific and technical contents, through the results of university research projects and experiences regularly carried out;
  • Renewal and upgrade of the Services targeting enterprises thanks to practical activities and studies carried out in research pilot projects performed with innovative companies and further developed and formulated in new and well-established standard service;
  • Assisted practical activity on real cases studies and pilot projects, through the tutoring activity led by the Experts of the Center on projects proposed by the Client;
  • 10 years of experience in promoting methods and tools for systematic innovation towards Italian enterprises and companies;
  •  Engagement and active participation by the experts of the Center to the international community of experts, academic teachers, and professionals recognized at European and worldwide level on methods and tools for supporting new product development activities.

Training and Services activities proposed by the Italian Center of competence are regularly renewed and further developed according to the following model which involves Innovative Companies, University, the Center and Early Adopters Companies.

Among the university research results on design methods and tools, through the Center the most promising ones are further tested, generalized and finally sharpened in order to become a standard service for enterprises. Once these models become a new standard service, the Center proposes these tools to all enterprises (Early Adopters Companies) who need new methods to support product development processes [1].

[1] Becattini N., Cascini G., S.Frillici F., Silipigni F., “A Framework for the Dissemination of Design Research focused on Innovation”, Impact of Design Research on Industrial Practice, Amaresh Chakrabarti, Udo Lindemann, Springer, March 2015 pagg 101-118.

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