TRIZ – Systematic Innovation for Lombardy SMEs
The “Systematic Innovation” initiative springs up from the “TRIZ – Systematic Innovation for Lombardy SMEs” project.
“TRIZ-Systematic Innovation for Lombardy SMEs” – TRIZ-Innovazione Sistematica per le PMI lombarde was carried out by Consorzio Politecnico Innovazione with the aim to promote a structured approach based on TRIZ methodology to innovation processes in the small and medium enterprises in Lombardy Region.
In the cited project, nine SMEs from Milan district and operating in the automation and manufacture markets made a first experience with TRIZ tools and patent information techniques with the support of experts from the following universities Politecnico di Milano-Mechanical Department, University of Bergamo –Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence – Department of Mechanics and Industrial Technologies.
The project was finished in October 2006 and based on the achieved positive results and objectives, in the February 2007 the three cited Universities decided to found the Italian Center of competence.
9 Lombardy small and medium enterprises took part in the project:
- Carlo Banfi Spa – Innovation on control valves in shot blasting machines;
- Carlo Raimondi Gru Srl – Assembly simplification for tower cranes used for constructing high buildings;
- Officine Meccaniche San Giorgio Spa – Increase of wear resistance of shot blasting machine;
- Pompetravaini Spa – Reduction of water consumption for a vacuum liquid ring pump;
- Prefer Spa – Study of the process of the positioning of pivots in locking mechanism;
- Recuperator Srl – Innovation of a rotary heat exchanger;
- RT Valvole Srl – Optimization of the process of material deposition for manufacturing hydraulic valves;
- Scam Srl – Definition of joinable connecting rod for endothermic engines;
- Turbotecnica Srl – Study of shot blasting machines for removing adhesive labels;