EPO has just published the annual report on European patent applications and granted patents filed in 2022.

The number of patent applications filed in 2022 has grown by 2,5% respect 2021, achieving the new maximum of 193.460 filings.

The United States, Germany, Japan, China, and France are the countries more active in 2022. Italy signs a minor drop (-1,1% with respect to 2021), with 4.864 patent applications, equal to 2,5% of the overall total of patent applications filed in 2022. The sectors more active are Digital communication (16.705 patent applications, +11,2% with respect to 2021), Medical technology (15.683, +1,0%), Computer technology (15.193, +1,8%), Electrical machinery/apparatus/energy (13.951, +18,2%) and Pharmaceuticals (9.310, +1,0%).

SMEs and individual inventors represent 20% of the total patent applications filed, Universities and public research organizations count for 7% and the Large Enterprises have the 73%.

Read the News on the EPO website and go to the full report.