Founder Partners of the Italian Center of Competence mourn Professor Umberto Cugini (1941 – 2021) which in the first days of January passed away. Professor Cugini was the promoter of the Center and its President.
Degree in Mechanical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, MBA at Bocconi University, he was a full professor at the School of Industrial Engineering of Politecnico di Milano, focusing his research activities mainly in Virtual Prototyping and Product Lifecycle Management. He established and coordinated the KAEMaRT research group and was the president of Politecnico Innovazione and COGEF Consortium, Director of the PF Robotic of the National Research Council -CNR, and national ITC representative of the EU ESPRIT Program. His interests were in methods and tools for new product development and strategies for innovation.
Read also the memorandum on the Design Society.